Custom Parkour
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Custom Parkour 136

You can only submit your records made in a #parkour records room (e.g. "/room *#parkour0records YourName#0000").
You can submit your video or screenshot in the submission channel on our Discord server.
P.S. You can use !setcp 1 command to use the old checkpoints and !setcp 2 command to use new checkpoints.

Author: Biwin#6061
Author: Kralizmox#0000


Author: Ranzuu#3778
Author: Eduard11#2625


Author: Eduard11#2625
Author: Eduard11#2625
Author: Meh#7320
Author: Meh#7320
Author: Meh#7320
Author: Meh#7320
Author: Benevolente#3520
Author: Zaurye#0000


Author: Urook#1131
Author: Benevolente#3520
Author: Unknown
Author: Anotherbob2#0000
Author: Unknown
Author: Artimetica20#0000


Author: Widabapo#0511
Author: Meh#7320
Author: Anotherbob2#0000
Author: Reses#2305


Author: Reses#2305


Author: Benevolente#3520



All artworks belong to their respective creators.

Last updated on June 9, 2024 at 01:48